*    1969年參加國立台灣藝術館,中國書法協會合辦比賽-初次入選。


*    1969年參加大日本書藝院展-秀作賞。


*    1970年參加日本曾東書道會比賽-特選。


*    1971年參加中日親善書畫交流展第十二回繪畫組-會頭賞。


*    1986年參加台灣文化杯大專社會組-優選。


*    1990年參加90國際書畫篆刻藝術博覽會-銅賞。


*    1991年參加現代日本書畫家協會比賽-金賞秀筆等獎。


*   1992年組團參加中國書畫救災精品巡迴展榮獲精品杰作獎(陝西舉辦)。


*   1993年參加兩岸全國書畫作品大展賽-榮譽獎。


*   1993年參加五台山國際書畫大賽-榮譽獎。


*   1994年4月榮獲中原書研究院頒給【王子杯】一等獎。


*   1994年8月榮獲國際書畫交流創意書畫會頒給【國際書畫藝術名人證書】。


*   1994年9月榮獲【國際正大杯中國書法篆刻大賽】金獎。


*   1995年8月獲頒【當代書畫藝術名人】證書。


*   1995年9月參加【正義、和平-紀念反法西斯戰爭勝利50周年國際美術作品展覽】-特別獎。


*   1995年9月參加【中國畫家藝術精品交流大展】,榮獲深圳市『龍華藝術館』頒給最佳榮譽獎。


*    1996年1月(世界華人美術名家年鑑)編輯委員會頒給【世界華人美術名家榮譽證書】。


*   1996年3月25日【世界書畫家華北協會舉辦書畫比賽】一等獎。


*   1996年4月榮獲【全國書畫名家邀請展第二屆書聖杯國際書畫印大賽-壹等獎】。


*    1996年9月20日榮獲『紀念唐山抗振救災20周年職工書畫展』-一等獎。

 * 1969 to participate in the National Taiwan Museum of Art, Chinese Calligraphy Association of the tournament - the first selected.

* 1969 to participate in the great Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition hospital - show for the reward. 

*1970 Japan had participated in the East will Calligraphy Competition - Special election. 

* 1971 to participate in the Sino-Japanese friendship Calligraphy Exhibition The 12th painting group - will be the first tour. 

*1986 to participate in the college community of Taiwanese culture Cup group - preferred. 

* 1990 to participate in 90 international calligraphy carving Art Fair - Bronze Award. 

* 1991 to participate in the modern Japanese Calligraphy Association tournament - Golden Pen Award show prize. 

* 1992 年 delegation to participate in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Tour relief boutique boutique masterpiece won the award (Shaanxi held). 

* 1993 to participate in the cross-strait national painting and calligraphy exhibition races - Honorable Mention. 
1993 to participate in the Wutai Mountain International Calligraphy Competition - Honorable Mention. 

* 1994 年 4 book was awarded the Central Research Institute awarded the first prize] [Prince Cup. 

* 1994 International Calligraphy awarded in August will be awarded to exchange ideas calligraphy painting celebrity certificate [International]. 

* 1994 年 9 Chia Cup was awarded [International] Chinese calligraphy carving contest gold medal. 

* 1995 年 8 月 awarded [celebrity] contemporary painting and calligraphy certificate. 

* 1995 [September to participate in justice, peace - to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory over fascism International Art Exhibition] - Special Award. 

* 1995 September to participate in fine arts painter [China] AC Exhibition, Shenzhen City won the "Longhua Museum of Art" prize awarded to the best honors. 

* 1996 January 2009 (World Famous Chinese Artists Yearbook) [Editorial Committee awarded honorary certificates world famous Chinese art]. 

* 1996 年 3 月 25, 2008 【World painter painting competition organized by the Association of North China] prize. 

* 1996 年 4 was awarded the [National Exhibition of painting and calligraphy book Holy Grail Second International Calligraphy Competition India - first prize]. 

* 1996 年 9 月 20 Won the "commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Tangshan vibration relief workers Paintings Exhibition" - first prize.


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黃尹良 自序 Huang Yinliang Preface




黃尹良  字熙舜,台灣苗栗縣人,自幼喜愛畫畫篆刻,承襲先袓燒窯世








新加坡 泰國等皆有作品被收藏)。












Artistic experience:

Huang Yinliang .The word.xl shun .Taiwan Miaoli County people.Childhood favorite paint.FAmily of ancestral kilns.Mongolian teacher guidance.Xi Qin times each calligraphy and calligraphic.Positive. grass. Li. Zhuan. classical. Jin peer.Specializes in the ancient art of ancient upholds innovation for the purpose.Fusion petroglyphs. pictographs pictures. pottery pattern symbols. classical seal character. inscriptions. stone Indian governance. ink. yin and yang tai chi France flying white law perspective principle. the principle of Kandinsky point line. multi-dimensional space-based and traditional calligraphy. music auxiliary new Chinese art - the art of calligraphy images. Calligraphy for the new century to establish Qianqiutaiye Vientiane also use [law] style leap to the 21st century. Works in the exhibition game won dozens of awards at home and abroad. well received by all sectors of calligraphy and paintings collection (except for national as well as South Korea. Japan. Singapore. Thailand and so there are works by).


Honorary president, chief candidates Central Institute of Fine Art. Vice modern nation Calligraphy Artists Association International exchange ideas calligraphy painting honorary chairman .1996 April hence good candidates, vice president of Chinese literature and art Research. Were recruited between Sun Bin Gu Institute of Fine Art and Professor. Verde long honorary professor of painting and calligraphy art school representatives .1993 Taiwan Chinese poetry Calligraphers. participate in the Beijing Museum organized and on behalf of Taiwan's Straits Exchange Lanting pen will be held in Xi'an ninth International calligraphy .1995 in September to participate in the exchange 95-SEOUL International Calligraphy Conference in Seoul - Sejong Cultural Center ... -. works of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy celebrity revenue dictionary of Contemporary Chinese and Japanese calligraphy and seal carving Grand Chronicle Chinese modern art Xiwangmu square Beilin .1999 December won - U.S. Asia-Pacific Art Institute awarded to the outstanding artistic achievements of the twentieth century has been the writings Medal .2000 - East Asia petroglyphs and Imagery book.


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